
Buy, Sell, or Rent properties on Indiassetz Exchange effortlessly .

"Exchange" section within the Indiassetz app is related to property transactions. This section facilitates buying, selling, or renting properties in an organized manner. You can list your properties for sale or rent, view detailed information including photos and specifications, schedule visits and manage transactions securely. 

  • Indiassetz app simplifies real estate transactions by enabling effortless buying, selling, or renting of properties directly from your mobile device - just download the Indiassetz App.

  • At Indiassetz, we are your partner in real estate. We'll help you find properties that perfectly match your needs and budget.

Frequently Asks Questions

  • To list your property, download the Indiassetz app and click on 'Add Property'. Fill in details such as property category, type, ownership status, occupancy, estimated value, exact address, and upload high-quality images and necessary documents. Once submitted, your property will be visible to potential buyers or tenants.

  • You can trade various real estate assets such as land, buildings. you can buy, sell, or Rent these assets based on your investment goals or  needs.

  • Buyers can request site visits through the app. Sellers coordinate with buyers to set convenient times for property viewings. Notifications alert both parties about visit requests, ensuring timely communication.

  • Users must upload documents such as property ownership proof, sale deed, sale agreement, ownership certificate, encumbrance certificate, and up-to-date tax receipts. These ensure transparency and legality in the transaction process.