Wealth and Asset Portfolio

A Wealth or Asset Portfolio is a group of financial investment instruments like Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities, including Exchange, Traded Funds (ETFs). Investors and people seeking good returns on investment or asset portfolios believe that stocks, bonds, and cash make up the core of a portfolio.

A good wealth or asset portfolio is made up of a mix of investments ranging from aggressive and risky to those that are safest, which will earn a desired decent overall return on investments over a planned period.

The investment mix includes stocks, bonds, and cash or money market securities. The percentage of the portfolio allocated to different assets or investment instruments invariably depends on the investment time frame and the risk tolerance. 

The adage “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is pertinent to Wealth and Asset Portfolio Management. The Wealth Portfolio or Asset Portfolio comprises investments across different asset classes or asset instruments, including Real Estate, to maximize the returns and minimize the risks.

Deciding on a Wealth or Asset Portfolio is importantly dependent on an individual’s risk tolerance because risk tolerance determines the extent to which certain losses on investment can be accepted in exchange for the possibility of earning higher returns on investment.

Optimal Wealth or Asset Portfolio allocation is not a one-time investment decision. Still, it involves revisiting the asset portfolio periodically to assess if the return on investment meets the expected goal or needs tweaking to address certain market situations. 

Wealth Managers, such are Indiassetz for Real Estate, professionally advise and help HNIs in managing their investment portfolio to achieve the financial goals aligned with their risk tolerance parameters.


Asset Under Management (AUM)


Real Estate Banking