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Property listing for sale

You get:

  • Rich property details:

    • Photos of the  property give a clear idea of its appearance and condition.

    • Specifications outlining key features  such as number of bedrooms, bathrooms, amenities (like parking spaces, swimming pools, gyms etc)  provide clarity on the property's suitability and convenience. 

    • Overall benefit: You can easily compare properties and find one that's a good fit for you.

  • After selecting a property, You can access detailed information on its amenities and livability score & factors.

  • The livability score reflects neighborhood attributes such as connectivity and air quality, rated out of 10 for ease of comparison and assessment. This feature aids in evaluating the overall desirability and suitability of the property based on its surroundings and environmental conditions.

  • An executive from Indiassetz will call you to discuss further about the property Schedule a call back

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