Choose Property For Sale

Choose property for sale:

  • Choose the property listed on our app for sale. If your property isn't already listed, click "Add a Property" to go to the Add Property page. 

  • Provide appropriate details such as: 

    • Property category - residential, commercial, land

    • Type - house, apartment, office 

    • Ownership status - owned by self, owned by family members 

    • Occupancy Status- Vacant,Rented,Leased,Under Construction,Self Occupied,Newly Constructed/Ready to Move in,Others 

    • Estimated value, exact address, high-quality images, and necessary documents. 

  • Once you've added these details, you can initiate the selling process for your property through our platform easily.


You can prompt to add only one property for sale at a time through the platform. If you wish to list multiple properties, you would need to repeat the process for each property individually by clicking on "Add Property" for each listing.