Choose Property For Sale
Choose property for sale:
Choose the property listed on our app for sale. If your property isn't already listed, click "Add a Property" to go to the Add Property page.
Provide appropriate details such as:
Property category - residential, commercial, land
Type - house, apartment, office
Ownership status - owned by self, owned by family members
Occupancy Status- Vacant,Rented,Leased,Under Construction,Self Occupied,Newly Constructed/Ready to Move in,Others
Estimated value, exact address, high-quality images, and necessary documents.
Once you've added these details, you can initiate the selling process for your property through our platform easily.
You can prompt to add only one property for sale at a time through the platform. If you wish to list multiple properties, you would need to repeat the process for each property individually by clicking on "Add Property" for each listing.